Monday, June 30, 2008

Heinz Meanz Inconsequential Answerz

I have received an unimpressive response to my email of complaint to Heinz, (see Mayonnaise for Gays, June 2008);

Dear Southern Fairy

Thank you for your recent email regarding the Heinz UK commercial for Deli Mayo. Consumer feedback is very important to us and we appreciate the opportunity to respond.

Heinz pulled the ad in the UK because our consumer research showed that the ad failed in its attempt to be humorous and offended people on all sides.

Heinz apologises for its misplaced attempt at humour and we accept that this ad was not in accordance with our long-standing corporate policy of respecting everyone's rights and values.

Again, our sincere apology to anyone who felt offended. We appreciate you taking time to contact us to express your opinion and allowing us to address this issue.

Liz Pickstock
Consumer Contact Department

My housemate received the same stock answer too, and I'm unsure whether Heinz even paid too much attention to our sentiments as it seems their emails apologise for the advert causing offence. However it does make clear that we won't be seeing the advert on our televisions in the future, and the bigots have won the argument. But it has opened the gates for discussion on how far the rights of the British LGB society have come. Even with Civil Partnerships legalised, it seems same sex relationships are still not given the same acceptance, and Heinz for one won't be leading the Pride revolution.

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