Monday, July 21, 2008

A jammy dodger

Anyone who knows me, knows I am the Queen of blag. I guess even before buckling down to save for my move abroad, I have always had tight arse tendencies. I love vouchers, competitions and freebies - any chance of getting something for nothing, or nearly so, and I'm game. I have been known to walk around Fenwicks on a weekend, because on Saturdays and Sundays you can guarantee that the food hall will have food or drink samplers - and the portions are generous. I used to walk back and forth past Millies cookies in Eldon Square during weekdays (as a student working shifts), just to grab the free cookie chunks from a basket on top of the counter. The basket has since been removed, perhaps they cottoned on. I also used to trawl Northumberland Street for any Marks & Spencer's employees who used to hand out free coffee vouchers to passers by. More recently I actively hunt down the Kaffecino's owner who stands around Monument handing out vouchers for a free hot drink when you spend £1 or more, or make a detour past Starbucks to see what samples they happen to have on offer, either as free ground coffee, or sometimes free cake or mini frappucinos.

I have always considered myself pretty lucky in cheeky steals, ever since I opened a packet of Hula Hoops when I was 10, and found a little blue packet inside with a £10 note in. Once, back in the days as a barmaid at the Hilton in Gateshead, I cheekily picked up a raffle ticket for free - the tickets were £5 a pop, for guests at the ball that I was working at. I won a champagne meal for two at The Lounge on Grey Street. Over the last year I have won or managed to blag; a meal for two at As You Like It, 6 tickets to see Groove Armada at Carling Academy, 2 tickets to see The View, tickets to both the opening and finale performances at the NewcastleGateshead Comedy Festival, a free round of drinks at the Glasgow Radisson... in fact, there are too many occasions to remember the niggly bits I've also managed to net.

I have tried to use my lucky powers to the greater good of others. I always enter competitions for stuff I don't want - like tickets to see Barney live, so I can treat friends from work who have kids, but as the law of sod predicts, I've not won yet. Currently I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a meal for four at Tavistock, a meal for two at Starters&Puds or £50 of Eldon Square vouchers. I'll keep you posted. But in the meantime, a tip from me to you - pick up a copy of Citylife, produced by Newcastle Council. There's always competitions in there, and you never know, beginner's luck and all that... I might spark off the inner-blagger in you.


Anonymous said...

You sound like a very lucky lady. I've never won anything, except competitions for which there is no prize, just merit. :-(

Southern Fairy said...

Thanks for checking in on my blog :) It might be pure ratio for me of competitions entered:competitions won - I enter any competition going, so I've got to win something at some point! it's a full time job, this being 'lucky' malarky!